Sunday, March 11, 2007

i haven't posted in a couple days...

so i figured i'd get on it. i've abandoned proper grammar and shit for the moment. it's just too much of a pain in the ass making letters capital and stuff like that.

H$ is right, leave some comments. even if it's just to heckle us. whatever.

anyway, we've been looking at apartments the last couple days. most of them sucked, but we found one that was rad, until we noticed like 5 dead cockroaches chillin in the bathroom. i was ready to move in right then and there until i saw that shit. not to worry though, there's a ton of seemingly rad places around that are fairly cheap, and we've got plenty of time to look before we need to get serious about shit.

back at work tomorrow for the first time since august. and even then i only worked for 4 weeks. so it's been a year and 2 months since i've actually had a real job. it's been a good run, but the party's over. this job tomorrow sounds boring, and the money is fucking terrible, but screw it, it's a job and a paycheck. i get the feeling it will involve alot of reading and boringness, so i might need to get my hands on an mp3 player (yes, i don't have an mp3 player yet, sue me) to keep me amused whilke doing mind numbing admin work.

went and saw 300 yesterday and it kicked the right amount of ass to warrant the hype. it was just beautiful. anyone who whines about there being "not much of a storyline" can eat a plate of baked dicks and gravy. if you're going to watch the film for anything less than epic bloodshed then you're a pussy and should just stay home. now bring on transformers, ninja turtles and the simpsons. it's going to be a great year of cinema. i don't care who says that the simpsons movie is going to be crap, they can't take this long to make it and not have it be incredible. they've been writing this thing for 10 years. if i don't have a hernia from laughing so much by the end of that film i'd be suprised. so you heard it here first, simpsons movie is going to rule. bet the house on it.


Anonymous said...

it was a simple storyline, but it was totally there. fuck em. the costumes and special effects and color/texture filters were great.

Anonymous said...


Why the fuck haven't I heard about this shit yet.


Anonymous said...


*legs it*