Wednesday, April 4, 2007

health out posseeeeee

man ive been kinda sober (save for a pill binge lastr weekend) lately. been training for a triathalon. holler at your boy hesh armstrong

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

found a new apartment

we missed out on the huge one, but this one is dope too, so we'll be packing up and moving in a few weeks. i'll be glad to get out of this shithole apartment finally. i fucking hate this place. we'll be keeping the key for the pool though, so we're still going to be hitting that shit up all summer long, so whoever wants to come out and swim give us a shout.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the longer i work here

the less i do. this job isn't as bad as i thought. i've been here for a couple hours now and have literally done nothing. i am getting paid to exist right now. it's a wonderful life

Monday, March 19, 2007


famous jake came down on friday night for a wonderful meal (freeloader) and to lose his jew fro.

the aftermath

then we wrote on stuff that wasn't ours
rap letters

then breakfast at the best spot in town
sunnyside up

that night we had another free meal at chevys. free food is the best food.

and just to top it all off, we found the most amazing apartment. it's fucking massive. i couldn't believe my eyes when we walked in. amazing. hopefully we get it, it's a steal. you're all invited to come crash after we move in (and by that i mean BOP can come stay...suckers!). think good thoughts for us so that we get it. if/when we do, i'll take a bunch of flicks so you can be jealous

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


i officially have the most boring job in existence. well, that's not really true, but near enough. and the pay is crap. if anyone would like to send me an mp3 player to amuse me while i perform menial tasks and make the time pass a little quicker i would be ever so greatfull.

at least hump day is over with. it will be the weekend soon. but i haven't been paid yet so it won't really make any difference, i still won't be able to do shit.

actually, come to think of it famousniggajake is coming over to hang on friday and we're going to eat some free steaks and give him a skinhead. rad.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"aint nothing but them thugs sendin hot, hollow slugs..."

MOP...BOP, notice the similarities?

not to discount eMKizzles math, but axl rose took almost 15 years to put out the new guns n roses album, and trust me, it blows. which is not to say that the simpsons movie wont be good, just to say that if you look like a buffalo at 10, you probably won't look like amalie at 20 (sorry, i forget the girls real name).

i was going to post a pile of money and claim that i'd been busy hustling as well, but all of my money is in the bank and scanning an ATM balance slip lacks the same power of shock and awe that G stacks provide. don't let my adhearance to modern banking practices fool you though, shit is all tax free on the low. the only thing the man gets from my hard working hands is a middle finger and a shank to the kidneys.

im watching some insane show about vet's opperating on a big ass turtle that got hit by a boat prop. fucking bananas.

i cant concentrate anymore.

i haven't posted in a couple days...

so i figured i'd get on it. i've abandoned proper grammar and shit for the moment. it's just too much of a pain in the ass making letters capital and stuff like that.

H$ is right, leave some comments. even if it's just to heckle us. whatever.

anyway, we've been looking at apartments the last couple days. most of them sucked, but we found one that was rad, until we noticed like 5 dead cockroaches chillin in the bathroom. i was ready to move in right then and there until i saw that shit. not to worry though, there's a ton of seemingly rad places around that are fairly cheap, and we've got plenty of time to look before we need to get serious about shit.

back at work tomorrow for the first time since august. and even then i only worked for 4 weeks. so it's been a year and 2 months since i've actually had a real job. it's been a good run, but the party's over. this job tomorrow sounds boring, and the money is fucking terrible, but screw it, it's a job and a paycheck. i get the feeling it will involve alot of reading and boringness, so i might need to get my hands on an mp3 player (yes, i don't have an mp3 player yet, sue me) to keep me amused whilke doing mind numbing admin work.

went and saw 300 yesterday and it kicked the right amount of ass to warrant the hype. it was just beautiful. anyone who whines about there being "not much of a storyline" can eat a plate of baked dicks and gravy. if you're going to watch the film for anything less than epic bloodshed then you're a pussy and should just stay home. now bring on transformers, ninja turtles and the simpsons. it's going to be a great year of cinema. i don't care who says that the simpsons movie is going to be crap, they can't take this long to make it and not have it be incredible. they've been writing this thing for 10 years. if i don't have a hernia from laughing so much by the end of that film i'd be suprised. so you heard it here first, simpsons movie is going to rule. bet the house on it.

1000 views and like 10 comments


"im not a rapper"

feed my fuckin seed!

cro - mags!

skin head!

freak out!

2007 "mash up" remix. im on some shit...literally.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

where the fuck have i been?

stacking this shit and staying deep in the cut. peas


Thanks to the people that have come and read out blog and given us the attention we deserve. Tell your friends and family.....BOP.

Update on my stupid life:

I probably have a job starting Monday. The pay is shit, but at least We'll be able to get an apartment when the time comes to move out of here.

Social Security called this morning and said they've processed my application and the number is coming. Better late than never, but it was nice of them to call and tell me.

This morning i got up at 9am, the first time i've done that in a long time. I think I'll go for a nap.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

dumb shit.

yesterday i got talked into going tanning because i'm stupid and agreeable and that's what happens to me. really i just wanted to go to walmart, but since i don't have a car and am subject to the will of others (and walmart was right next to the tanning place - which seemed to be the epicenter of culture in this city apparently) i had no choice. actually, i could have just sat in a chair and read people magazine, so i guess i did have a choice, but i like to waste money on stupid shit, and since that option was free, it was completely unapealing. anyway, i explained to the woman that i had absolutely no idea what i was doing, had never been tanning, and was only there to amuse my friends. she took that information and decided that putting me in a mega-bed for 12 minutes after applying some 'africa-dark tan inducer' lotion was the way to go. that was not the way to go and that dumb cunt should be fired. have you had a sunburn on your ass cheeks? like, straight up, all over your ass cheek? it fucking sucks. everytime i sit down, it feels like im sitting on hot lava. shit is not fresh.

in unrelated news, i've purchased some rad shit the last couple days. among them are:
*bad boys dvd
*bad boys II dvd
*black hawk down dvd
*BOPSET custm embroidered hat w/crown
*an oven.

i tried to buy a surfboard, but they didn't have any in my size. weeeeak, naggah.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


We just got served with eviction papers because the retards that run this complex want to install a washer & dryer in our apartment (so they can bump the rent even more), but they won't let us stay here while they do it. No job, nowhere to live. Something better happen soon, or else I'm gonna slang rocks.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Well, after all the crap I went through the last few weeks, I got a call about a new job today. These guys are going to pay me more than FedEx, so I'm already happy. Interview is tomorrow so I'll keep you updated.

It's also my wife's birthday tomorrow (23 years old) so if you know her, holler at her and say happy birthday

Thursday, March 1, 2007


First they tell me I have the job, and now they're saying they still can't give it to me without a Social Security number. This is fucked. I'm ready to kill someone right about now

THE SEARCH IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I didn't find Animal Chin, but I did finally find gainfull employment with everyone's favorite package delivery company FedEx!!

I've been on an extended vacation for a year now due to my move from Australia to the US, and the subsequent wait involved in obtaining the proper authorisation to stay here legally, as well as work. About a month ago I finally recieved my work authorisation, and the coveted green card should be here in another month or two. Since then I've been in that soul-shattering vortex known as the job hunt.

Well, not long after beginning my search I was lucky enough to be invited by an employment agency to come try-out (Yes, try-out. There was no interview involved, just some tests) for a position at FedEx. All went smoothly....but little did I know the hellish ass-raping I was in for.

I was informed that FedEx do a thorough background check of prospective employees, and they would need proof of my graduation from high school, proof of employment at my last 3 jobs (which happened to be on 2 different continents to the one i currently reside on), as well as take a drug test. Fine, I should be able to make that happen, I naively thought. Then the fun really began.

First thing first, the drug test. Apart from a little performance anxiety, I peed in their little cup, and was on my merry way. The drug test comes back clean, and all is well in the world (kids, say no to drugs), so on to the next step.

I got a scan of my high school diploma sent to me, which I forwarded to the background checkers; we'll call them The Assholes, for argument's sake. Well, that wasn't going to be enough for the assholes, they need a transcript of the classes I took as well as my grades. Now, keep in mind I finished high school over a decade ago and I was really confused as to why that would matter, what with all the subsequent work experience I had. I soon found out that logic doesn't work on these people. Well, from my seat here in sunny California I managed to track down a transcript back in Australia and have it sent to the assholes. Crisis averted....I thought. Now they'd like a number they can call so they can verify the information as they're "having trouble" tracking down my high school. Well, about 3 nanoseconds later I get the phone number they had so much trouble finding on MY HIGH SCHOOL'S WEBSITE. I'm not sure anyone's told these guys about google.

Next I had to send proof of my 3 previous jobs. They had the names and addresses of all the companies, can they not just call the HR departments and check it out? No, that would be too easy. After a bunch of heartache on my part, as well as some expensive phone calls to Australia and Europe, i manage to get some documents from my previous employers. Cool? No. Now they're having trouble tracking down my employers to verify the information. By this stage I'm ready to punch someone, considering 2 of the companies are multi-national corporations whch can be found in a heartbeat. Another 3 nanosecond consultation with the internets and the assholes have 3 phone numbers to call. Seriously, they advertise the internet on TV, how have these people not heard of it?

Now, at this stage I don't have a Social Security number, and was told by immigration that I won't be able to get one until I have my green card. It turns out that I am actually eligable to get one with my work permit. Sweet, off to Social Security to sign myself up. Now the assholes tell me they need the SS number to do a trace on my previous residences. I pointed out that, if it wasn't already abundantly clear, I haven't actually had any previous residences, and I've never even had an SS number before, meaning their trace would come up blank. Again, silly me with the logic. They'll look into it and see what they can do..........which turns out to be nothing. I get a phone call from the employment agency telling me that without an SS number they won't hire me. So all that crap was for nothing? I peed in your little cup and this is the thanks I get?

Needless to say, I was gutted. During all this debacle, I was steady applying for jobs, but not hearing a squeek from anyone. Now that my backup had fallen through, I was back to the dreaded prospect of being penniless for indefinate period of time, and nothing on the horizon. Awesome. Life was sucking super hard.

Well, this morning I dragged my sorry carcass out of bed, and went through the routine of dredging the job sites for what meager offerings were to be had. As I went to get my cereal I noticed there was a message on the answering machine. It was the employment agency I applied to for the FedEx job. I figured the bird had found a new job for me to go for. Great, I get to go through all of this a second time. Yipee!

No, as it turns out FedEx are going to give me the job anyway! Why? I have no idea, but HOO-FUCKING-RAY! The sun in shining and life is good again! I start on Monday and although I will soon be cursing full time employment, fuck it, I got a job, bitches! I'll finally have a steady paycheck again!


On a side note, I also discovered my new favorite band Klaxons.

They're fucking awesome and you need to listen to their music over and over like I have been this morning.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Thank Christ. Seriously, what the fuck was the "Car wars" shit about? That kid John Brown was a fucking dork.

Bring on season 2!!!!!

Oh yeah, and The Black Donnelys fucking sucked.

Fuck FedEx

I've been jumping through hoops for weeks trying to get this job and though go and pull the rug from under me at the last minute. This fucking sucks. I'm gutted

Friday, February 23, 2007

A great scene in a great movie...

...turned into a great little piece of animation. The internets are cool sometimes.


i got a dirty mouth but my kicks is clean.......

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I can foresee being broke this summer...

I know BOP is supposed to be hating on nike right now (sorry Ans), but there's so many fruity flavours coming this summer....Bring on the sunshine!!!

(flicks from hb)

its been a minute

but im officially really fucking wastefd. its 822am anmd i can hraear annoying black kids hesaded to school. holla ta me

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Our lovely friends OTP crew have started a new blog which you should go take a look at. Tell em the BOPSET sent ya. We have also set up a little friends section for people we think are cool/are buddies of ours. If you are a friend of the BOPSTARS and want to trade links, just shoot an email to

Monday, February 19, 2007

BOP vs NIKE (ps. fuck nike)

apparently nike has decided that they're total pussies and are too shook to be associated with the BOP. perhaps it was my comments about kaws that did us in. a side note to kaws: quit black balling us.

just to make sure that it wasnt any 3 letter combo that got blocked, i tried several other crews im associated with. no problems there. apparently you can 'eat, sleep, hate' all you want, but if you plan on blacking out, you gotta take your business else where. that's fine nike, we don't need you [bitch]. everyone knows reebok is where the real gangsters go anyway. jay z? fitty? that's right...reeeeeeeeeebok. and that shit is just the tip of the iceberg. we've got so many deals in the works, i cant even speak on it right now. just know that we'll be rolling shit out in the near future, and jaws will be dropping almost as fast as panties. bop fam is unreal, f'real.

SHAMROCK for teh win

Logic tells me that with the favouritism shown to John Brown throughout the season that he's got it in the bag, but I'd still really like to see that corny motherfucker go down. I hope the gods are smiling on Shamrock next week.

Homie must have had a cleft face as a kid, dude's shit is mangled.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A dog named Kitty

So the weather's been beautiful the last few days, and today was no exception. We've been taking my brother-in-law's dog Kitty (Yes, that's his name. Yes, he's male) out with us so he can get a bit of exercise while my bro's at work. Long story short, if I was single I'd be drowning in phone numbers right now. It's crazy how much a gay little dog can attract pussy. Granted, it's those fake tan wannabe OC bitches, but still, pussy's pussy.

H$, next time you're out here we'll take Kitty for walks. You're going to get so laid you won't be standing upright for a week.

i just tattooed a japanse monster face

this is not a picture of the actual japanese monster face, but she looked a whole lot like this (with a touch of chemical peel/facial burns).
she got a tribal butterfly on her lower back, AND a tribal sun on her bikini line.
it was gross and i didn't like touching her.
i charged her extra on a count of the fact that she made my stomach upset.

someone in the lobby just said 'i do stencil graffiti'.
i guess i need to go tell him what he actually does is closer to swallowing tanker truck loads of cum, than it is to painting graffiti.
fuck art schools, fuck gross faced old women, fuck you pay me.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Skipping rocks

Me, the missus, and my brother-in-law's dog went down to the river today to enjoy the warm sun and skip a few rocks.

When gangbangers fall in love

You know who we are

Contemplating what it's all about

No day is complete without it

it's ok H$, thats not a dude, it's a kaws hooker®

those arent balls, they're limited edition balls. you need to own them.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The #1 reason why H$ shouldn't go to Thailand

Don't forget to tuck em away

rick ross and i see eye to eye on a lot of shit

"Yesterday i saw a dude wearing jeans so tight, they looked like tights"

Ansizzle, you should get a kick out of this......from the "Global trend report" on Vice's website:


New rave is the thing here, but it’s a bit Vegas with all the icons and symbols inspired by the early-90s Rave Nation crap. So you’ll see things like Mickey Mouse gloves and ears, hip bags (meaning fanny packs), huge prints in bold colors, and whistle necklaces getting mixed up with colorful shiny jackets, bow ties, and cummerbunds (that’s correct, fucking bow ties and cummerbunds). Tights, leggings, and skinny pants (Cheap Mondays mostly) are still in for guys. Shoes are ballerina flats or pointy Chelsea boots with five-centimeter heels. Boys are wearing mostly long hair and those asymmetrical haircuts are slowly disappearing. Big sunglasses inspired by the late 70s and early 80s—angled or round—are everywhere too. Wearing tights seems a bit risky in case of a situation such as a “bus-on” (that’s when the vibration of a bus you’re riding gives you a boner) but Germans are known for their bravery."

Not only are tights and leggings "in" for boys, they're still in. Germany, how long have you tolerated your men dressing like gymnasts on E? Am I the only one who had a "The kids these days are morons" moment?

fuck what my yayed out philly buddy thinks, kaws is a faggot

wow, so kaws went ahead and lent his name to a pair of jeans.
fucking radical, dude!
the way he stuck his own button onto a pair of levis is groundbreaking.
the pocket stitching is probably my favorite part. oh wait, there is no pocket stitching.
lazy fucker couldn’t even come up with his own little iconic back pocket motif.
i understand though, quality scribbles are difficult to master if you don't have a 3 year old around for inspiration.
apparently someone finally clued him in to the fact that those fucking 'X' eyes were gay as shit though, otherwise i'm sure he'd have stuck those things across the ass.
thank god for progress.
i like how he included a bandana. that's pretty rad. now williamsburg hipster faggots won't have to risk getting robbed at their local bodega while buying one for 99 cents.

'yo nigga, what set you claim'n?'
'nigga, what?!'
'pabst blue ribbon posse, umm, it's a little joke with some girls i work with at american apparel...oh god, please don't hit me!'

i'm surprised he didn't make the buttons pink. that's some homo ass shit that kids are loving these days.
yesterday i saw a dude wearing jeans so tight, they looked like tights. he had a pink bandana tied around his keychain that hung from his back pocket. he would probably like these jeans, as long as they came in an xxs.

oh wait, i just noticed that he does still have the X's. they're on the buttons and the inside stitching. i thought it was just some gay ass native american looking design with moons and diamonds and shit. now i realize its some gay ass native american looking design with moons and diamonds AND X's in it. awesome. kaws is fucking awesome.
when our generations history is written, i hope kaws gets the cover. this dude is like, totally my favorite.
my other favorite is dudes who ride long boards while wearing sandals. perhaps kaws could come out with a long board/ hackie sack combo pack. that would be the shit.

fuck what my tatooista buddy down south thinks. this kaws gear is dope

a blend of good high quality expensive gooky jap denim and good old fashioned american goretex in a slick pair of jeans w/ nice hidden details. the mexican bandana thing has got to go though. im trying to cop these jawns somehow. available at the originalfake/kaws store in tokyo. from highsnobiety

breaking a co-workers nose

i was quickly reminded tonight why i dont wrestle with my friends. a coworker was trying to play grabass w/ me tonight and in the fun and games he ended up in front of me holding my arms. believe it or not he is actually bigger than me so the first instinctual reaction from me was to headbutt him. so i did and i broke his nose infront of the entire bar. lots of blood and a lil bump on my massive forehead. sorry bro, it was an accident.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


We're broketastic at the moment, so our Valentines gifts were handmade this year. On the left is a lovely handcrafted wooden cat the missus made for me, and on the right is a painting that doesn't make much sense (but contains a smily heart, therefore making it Valentines Day themed) that I made for her.


featuring BOP's own Jake

Holy crap

If my missus was this flexible my dick would have fallen off by now


Get rich quick scheme #987987

OK, so i was thinking to myself the other day, what avenue haven't the collectable-collaboration-hipster-sneaker-all-over-print-t-shirt crowd already covered in their bloodthirsty quest to fleece millions out of middle class suburban teens, West Hollywood douchebags and Williamsburg dorks? I want my money for nothin and my chicks for free too, ya know.

Then it hit me.

Baked goods.

That's right, coming Spring 2007 will be the BOPSET limited edition chocolate cupcake with white frosting and a red cherry colorway. I'm only making 24, so rather than have you all camp outside my apartment for 4 weeks until they drop, I'm just going to put them straight on ebay so you can bid big dollars to your hearts content to taste one of my handcrafted (by a 7 year old in Taiwan) chocolate baked treats. This time next week you should be seeing my picture on all the blogs partying it up with Nick Tershay and all the other elite money makers in the hipster scene.

Eat my dust.


you should too

this is the begining of the end

im fucking shitfaced as usual. hangover kit will be in full effect tomorrow....

Welcome to the BOP blog

We think we're awesome, we hope you do too.