Wednesday, March 7, 2007

dumb shit.

yesterday i got talked into going tanning because i'm stupid and agreeable and that's what happens to me. really i just wanted to go to walmart, but since i don't have a car and am subject to the will of others (and walmart was right next to the tanning place - which seemed to be the epicenter of culture in this city apparently) i had no choice. actually, i could have just sat in a chair and read people magazine, so i guess i did have a choice, but i like to waste money on stupid shit, and since that option was free, it was completely unapealing. anyway, i explained to the woman that i had absolutely no idea what i was doing, had never been tanning, and was only there to amuse my friends. she took that information and decided that putting me in a mega-bed for 12 minutes after applying some 'africa-dark tan inducer' lotion was the way to go. that was not the way to go and that dumb cunt should be fired. have you had a sunburn on your ass cheeks? like, straight up, all over your ass cheek? it fucking sucks. everytime i sit down, it feels like im sitting on hot lava. shit is not fresh.

in unrelated news, i've purchased some rad shit the last couple days. among them are:
*bad boys dvd
*bad boys II dvd
*black hawk down dvd
*BOPSET custm embroidered hat w/crown
*an oven.

i tried to buy a surfboard, but they didn't have any in my size. weeeeak, naggah.


Anonymous said...

this makes me giggle like a little girl whenever i read it

Unknown said...

book a one way ticket to philly now. fuck a cherry hill jap in olde city. in the ass.